Jazmin Bean Wiki

Welcome to Beanipedia! We are a collaborative encyclopedia dedicated to artist Jazmin Bean, by fans for viewers interested for information on the singer that anyone can edit! Before editing, make sure to read our guidelines.


Jazmin Bean Wiki
Beanipedia and unreleased content
As stated by Jazmin Bean, they do not appreciate their songs being leaked by outsiders; and while we understand this statement, we still archive leaked content to keep the wiki not outdated. If you wish to respect this decision, we recommend you to not listen or discuss the leaked songs below, or engage in communities participating in act.
Beanipedia and unreleased content
As stated by Jazmin Bean, they do not appreciate their songs being leaked by outsiders; and while we understand this statement, we still archive leaked content to keep the wiki not outdated. If you wish to respect this decision, we recommend you to not listen or discuss the leaked songs below, or engage in communities participating in act.

Jazmin Bean recorded several songs throughout their musical career, however, some were not officially released and were shelved. This page serves to document all unreleased songs.

Key Bold means that the song 's audio is fully available.
Italic means that the song's audio is only partially or un-available.
U means that the title given to the song is not fully accurate.
D means that the song is unfinished.
Key Bold means that the song 's audio is fully available.
Italic means that the song's audio is only partially or un-available.
U means that the title given to the song is not fully accurate.
D means that the song is unfinished.


Pre-musical projects[]

Title Wri. Prod. Length Leak stat.
Unknown songs
Title Information
Untitled lyric ideas As mentioned by Bean via an TikTok live, they had written many songs "in [their] head" prior to writing their first song, "Worldwide Torture". None of these were likely recorded.
Untitled film InstrumentalsI As mentioned by Bean during a interview on The Allison Hagendorf Show, they made instrumentals for their films.[1]

Worldwide Torture[]

Re-up (2019-2020)[]

Title Wri. Prod. Length Leak stat.
"Aswang Clean"UD Jazmin Bean Bean Unknown Partially shared
"Formal"U Bean Unknown Unknown Partially shared


Title Wri. Prod. Length Leak stat.
"A Little Worn" Bean Unknown Unknown Partially leaked
"Disneyland Dad" Bean Unknown Unknown Unleaked
"Sun Goes Down" Bean Unknown ~7:00 Unleaked
"Underground Bitchfight" Bean Unknown Unknown Partially leaked

Traumatic Livelihood (scrapped album, EFF) (2020-June 2022)[]

Title Wri. Prod. Length Leak stat.
"63"UD Bean Bean Unknown Unleaked
"Addict"R Bean • Jessica Winterunknown Winter • unknown 2:28 Fully leaked
"A Whole New World" Bean Unknown Unknown Inst. partially leaked
"Bleeding Wings"D Bean • Winter Winter Unknown Demos fully leaked
"Bitches Dress Pink"U Bean Unknown Unknown Partially surfaced
"Counting Violets" Bean Unknown Unknown Partially leaked
"C***"R Bean Unknown 2:04 Fully shared
"Doubts"D Bean Unknown 2:44 Fully leaked
"Falling Feathers"U Bean Unknown Unknown Partially leaked
"Growing Pains" Bean Unknown Unknown Partially leaked
"Happy People" Bean Unknown Unknown Demo leaked
"Jesus" Bean Unknown ~2:10 Fully leaked
"I Scream"U Bean Unknown Unknown Partially shared
"Little Jimmies"UD Bean Unknown Unknown Partially shared
"Speak" Bean Unknown Unknown Fully leaked
"This Is Not What I Thought It Would Be"U Bean Unknown 3:48 Fully leaked
"Town Whore"U Bean Unknown 2:50 Fully leaked
"Under His Eye"U Bean Unknown 2:33 Fully leaked
"Winter Forever"U</sup Bean Unknown 2:48 Fully leaked
"World Choke"UD Bean Bean Unknown Unleaked
"Vainglorious" Bean Unknown Unknown Demo leaked
Unknown songs
Title Information
8 minutes long song Bean mentioned they recorded a song that was eight minutes long, likely from this era.
181+ other recorded songs Bean stated that they recorded 200 song from the album, but only 19 have surfaced, meaning their are at least 181 songs that have not been found.
Unknown collaborations On April 9, 2020, Bean posted that their album would have features and said it was better than anything they’ve released before.[2] As the tweets were during the re-up sessions of Bean's EP, Worldwide Torture, this likely means that at the time the songs were demos, as other songs recording during that time were intended for the scrapped album were reworked once the sessions were over, though it's unknown if this happened with these songs.
Unconfirmed songs
Title Information
"Kiss Me Goodbye"U The title, "Kiss Me Goodbye", was seen on a insider's fan-made track list for the early version of the album made with Apple Music.[3]

Traumatic Livelihood[]

Standard (June 2022-September 2023)[]

Title Wri. Prod. Length Leak stat.
"Addict" Bean • Jessica WinterunknownEvan Blair Blair Unknown Partially leaked
"Again"U Bean Unknown Unknown Partially leaked
"Bleeding Wings" Bean • Winter Winter Unknown Demos fully leaked
"Consume Me" Bean Unknown Unknown Unleaked
"Counting Violets" Bean Unknown Unknown Partially leaked
"C***" Bean Unknown 2:04 Fully shared
"Disneyland Dad" Bean Unknown Unknown Unleaked
"Downhill"U Bean Unknown Unknown Partially leaked
"Exploiting"U Bean • Winter Winter Unknown Partially leaked
"Falling Feathers"U Bean Unknown Unknown Partially leaked
"Flower"U Bean Unknown Unknown Partially leaked
"Galvanised"D Bean Unknown Unknown Partially leaked
"Growing Pains" Bean Jessica Winter Unknown Partially leaked
"I Do Hope That You Stay"U Bean Unknown Unknown Partially leaked
"Little Jimmies"UD Bean • Jonny Coffer Coffer Unknown Partially shared
"No Good"U Bean • Unknown • Blair Unknown • Blair Unknown Partially leaked
"No More Lucky Stars" Bean • Coffer Coffer Unknown Partially leaked
"Mechanical Machine"D Bean Unknown Unknown Partially leaked
"Muck" Bean Unknown Unknown Inst. partially leaked
"My Valentine" Bean Unknown Unknown Inst. partially leaked
Winter Unknown Partially shared
"Say It Soon" Bean Unknown 2:45 Fully shared
"Silly Worms"U Bean Unknown Unknown Partially shared
"Sock Puppet" Bean Unknown Unknown Unleaked
"Unfair Game"U Bean • Unknown • Blair Unknown • Blair Unknown Partially leaked
"Vainglorious" Bean Unknown Unknown Demo leaked
Unknown songs
Title Information
8+ missing songs and Winter produced outtakes Bean mentioned that they recorded 50 to over a hundred songs for Traumatic Livelihood, as of currently though only 42 known songs have been found, meaning their is at the very least 8 more unknown songs that have not surfaced.[4][5] Bean mentioned that their friend and producer Jessica Winter had produced many songs for Traumatic Livelihood, though the only known four have been founded, meaning that there are likely more songs that didn't make the final cut produced by her.
Concept instrumentals
Title Prod. Length Leak stat. Notes
"Phantom"UDI Unknown Unknown Partially leaked The instrumental was partially leaked in 2023. Unknown if ever got vocals recorded for it.
"Melancholic Disastrous World"UDI Unknown Unknown Partially leaked The instrumental was partially leaked in 2023 and 2024. Unknown if ever got vocals recorded for it.
Unconfirmed songs
Title Information
"The Lonely Hour" The title was mentioned by a insider.[6]

Scrapped deluxe (May-late June, 2024)[]

Title Wri. Prod. Length Leak stat.
"Crocodile"UD Bean Bean Unknown Partially shared
"Disneyland Dad" Bean Unknown Unknown Unleaked
"Dirty"UD Bean Unknown Unknown Partially shared
"Galvanised" Bean Unknown Unknown Partially leaked
"Memories"UD Bean • Matt Schwartz Schwartz Unknown Partially shared
Unknown songs
Title Information
"Unknown light rock song"U Bean mentioned via an TikTok live that they made four songs for the deluxe edition of Traumatic Livelihood, being a song inspired by Kate Bush ("Dirty"), a song made on the piano with their friends ("Crocodile"), and two light rock songs ("Memories" and this song). However, only three known songs from this list were teased. The missing song is likely one of two of the light rock songs Bean was talking about, as the rest seem to fit the description of other songs Bean teased during that time.

Upcoming project (Late June-present 2024)[]

Title Wri. Prod. Length Leak stat.
"Cautionary Tale" U Bean Unknown Unknown Unleaked
"Disneyland Dad" Bean Unknown Unknown Unleaked
"Haunt Me" U Bean • Dante TraynorGamaliel Rendle Traynor Traynor • Rendle Traynor Unknown Partially shared
"Happy Truck" UD Bean Bean Unknown Partial live performance
"Infinity Bliss" UD Bean Unknown Unknown Partially shared
"It's Never to Late" UD Bean • Traynor • Rendle Traynor Traynor • Rendle Traynor Unknown Partially shared
"Memories"UD Bean • Matt Schwartz Schwartz Unknown Partially shared
"Summer" UD Bean • Traynor • Rendle Traynor Traynor • Rendle Traynor Unknown Partially shared
Unknown songs
Title Information
Song written about Bean's fans missing the Worldwide Torture era Bean mentioned they had a song about how their fans miss the Worldwide Torture era.


Title Wri. Prod. Length Leak stat.
"At 8pm"U Bean Unknown Unknown Partially leaked
"Gotta Love The Villain" Bean Unknown Unknown Partially leaked
"R.I.P"U Bean Unknown Unknown Inst. partially leaked
Concept instrumentals
Title Prod. Length Leak stat. Notes
"Cute"UDI Unknown Unknown Partially leaked Rejected pitch instrumental. The instrumental was partially leaked in 2024.
Unconfirmed songs
Title Information
"Smelly Poo"U A insider revealed that a song with the file name, "Smelly Poo", existed.[7]

Side projects[]

Title Wri. Prod. Intended project Length Leak stat.
"Bee Stung" Bean Bean None ~0:40-1:00 Partially shared
"Birthday Bitch" Bean Dougal Drummond Single release 3:36 Previously released
"Drug Money" Bean Bean None ~0:30 Partially shared
"I Like My Tea Hot" (Rico Nasty collab) Bean • Nasty Unknown Las Ruinas Unknown Demos fully leaked
"I Know You Would"U Bean Bean None Unknown Partially shared
"One Day" (Sharon Van Etten produced cover) Etten Bean None Unknown Partially shared
"My Heart Goes Bang (Get Me to The Doctor)" (Dead or Alivie cover) Pete Burns • Tim Lever • Mike Percy • Steve Coy Bean None 0:15 Partially shared
"My Song 32" Bean Bean None 0:17 Fully shared
"Say It Ain't So"N (Weezer produced cover) Bean Unknown None Unknown Partially shared
"Selfish Soul (In Delusion)"UD Bean Bean None Unknown Partially shared
"Revenge is a brittle rope" Bean Bean None Unknown Partially shared
"The Terrified Tour intro"U Bean Unknown Serving as The Terrified Tour intro ~1:11 Full live performance


