Jazmin Bean Wiki

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Jazmin Bean Wiki

"My Song 32" (file name; likely untitled; erroneously referred to as "Pop Diva") is an unofficially released song by Jazmin Bean, shared on January 15, 2023. It was recorded during the sessions of their debut studio album, Traumatic Livelihood, but wasn't intended for the project or formal release; only being intended as a joke song.


The song was fully shared by Bean in a instagram thread on January 15, 2023.[1]


The song is a joke about someone, likely Bean themselves, who has extreme self confidence. In the song every time they walk into a room they feel as if stuff is flying all over the place because they feel like their "aura" is big, being the center of attention. In the song the narrator brags about skipping in lines, and tells the audience to be patient if they want to see them, the "pop diva".

Official versions[]

Ver. Released on Release date Prod. Rec. date Length
"My Song 32"
Instagram (unofficially) January 15, 2023 (unofficially) Jazmin Bean 2022-January 2023 0:17


Visual video

Visual video


  • The song was made on GarageBand.


