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"Infinity Bliss" (unofficially titled; also erroneously referred to as "Bliss") is an unreleased song by Jazmin Bean. It was intended to be on their upcoming project, however, it's inclusion on the final track listing is unlikely. It's unknown if the song was unfinished.
Song was mentioned by Bean during a interview on The Allison Hagendorf Show, where they were describing what they wanted for a hypothetical music video for a song, likely referring to this song. Bean stated:[1]
"I made a love song and I want to do a video with, where i'm like in love this big monster and then we just go and like the monster buys me a cat and we like go to the cinema and eat food and go in the photo booth [...]"
On September 26, 2024, Bean posted via Twitter quote:
"Might fuck around and post a bunch of demo snippets on clock app but then I don’t want people to be like THATS RHE NEW SONG THATS COMINT OUT and b holding their breath"
They later posted a snippet of the song later that same day via TikTok. They stated in the caption "I LOVE YALL , (this is just a demo i thiught was cute dont even start😹)".
They later posted on Twitter implying they wanted to release the songs being quote:
"When I post demos on TT use the sound I’m cuz If they do something on clock app there’s a better chance I can finish & release them"
The song is about the feeling of loving someone in a romantic relationship. The narrator is singing about how much they love their partner, wanting each other to be bound forever. The repeated word "bliss" likely symbolizes how the narrator is so in love with their partner that they a blissful to the things around them.