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"Bitch With The Gun" is a song by Jazmin Bean. It is the thirteenth track on their debut studio album, Traumatic Livelihood, and released alongside the album on February 23, 2024. The first demo of the song was intended to be on the early version of Traumatic Livelihood, however, the project was revised and the song was reused for the final record.
The song, including it's second demo[1][2] and just it's lyrics[3], were teased in 2022 and 2023.
Leak history[]
As with certain songs, "Bitch With The Gun" has been leaked on one or multitude occasions. The list below shows all the timed the song has been leaked:
February 23, 2024 (final; full)
September 11, 2024 (demo 1; partial)
The song talks about how someone, despite experiences negative past experiences likely inflicted by someone, are able to regain the strength to stand up for themselves, not taking peoples lies anymore. As shown in the song, the narrator demands respect from people, using the line "I could be your demise" as a allegory for what would happen if their boundaries are crossed, reminding the people that they are metaphorically the "Bitch with the gun".
During the track-bye-track interview for Traumatic Livelihood, bean stated that the song was meant to feel "powerfull" and meant to be a "love letter" to themselves like the rest of the album.
Official versions[]
There are likely more demos of the song as Bean has stated the song went through many different versions.
Bean explained the background of the song in their track-by-track interview for Traumatic Livelihood, stating that it went through many different versions and was going to be the last track on the album, before that spot was reserved for "The Blood Brings Colour and Fluoresce".